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Sun City Christian Centre is a church full of life. A multi-generational and multicultural community that is intentional in making Jesus’s command their first priority.

Equipping, encouraging and empowering all people to impact their sphere of influence in reaching people with the good news and the love of God. Serving and caring for the community, and seeing the glory of God displayed.


Missions Statement:


Loving God, Loving People, Loving Life


Loving God is active and intentional, and lived out daily


Loving people

Loving and accepting people that is caring ,genuine and authentic towards one another and in seeing people come into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


Loving Life

Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you. We believe in the ‘more’


Ephesians 3:20

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,


Culture statements

Encounter - praise - prayer- faith - prayer - the Gospel - intimacy - celebration- connection- influence - revelation - transformation - love - friendship- commitment - generational - multicultural - evangelism - discipleship - community - accountability - relationship - inclusive - authentic - passionate and bold


We have 8 core statements that influence our direction and priorities as a church and speak to who we are, what we believe and how we live. We are a contemporary and vibrant church that desires for every person to encounter Jesus in a real and genuine way. A place to call Home and belong. A family that celebrates together and grows together. Loving God, loving one another and reaching the world with the good news and becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.


We are about Faith and encountering the presence of God:


We are a house of Faith, we believe in prayer. A house that believes in the power of God and the work and person of the Holy Spirit.


We are about pursuing Jesus:


We believe in the word of God and that signs and wonders do follow, and the miraculous being seen and experienced.


We are about community:


We believe in community and family. We believe in being authentic and genuine, in faith and in life and that salvation and the love of God is for all.


We are about transformation:


We believe in the power of transformation, and wholeness by coming into a true and loving relationship with Jesus Christ


We are about caring for and loving others:


We believe in serving community and Jesus and His Church. Doing our absolute best in loving and caring for others, doing it together as excellently as we can, with grace and kindness.


We are about generosity:


We believe in being a generous people with what we have. Using our resources, gifts and talents and facilities to the glory of God and reaching all people.


We are about living out kingdom purpose:


We believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each and every person. That every generation is valued and encouraged to be all that the Lord would have them to be. That every person has a special place.


We are about being bold and reaching people and making Jesus known:


We believe in the power of invitation. An invitation to experience the love and goodness of God, and an invitation of redemption and salvation in Jesus Christ and an invitation to relationship and community.



Sun City Christian Centre is a part of the Australian Christian Churches. A movement of almost 1,100 churches and more than 250,000 believers across Australia.

For the ACC’s full constitution, history, leadership and statement of belief, please visit:

14 Assen Street

Geraldton WA 6530


Office Hours:

Tue-Fri 9am-4pm


Phone: (08) 9964 1000


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©2024 Sun City Christian Centre

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