In our home, we don’t have internet, and so what we will sometimes do when we have had enough of flipping through the tv channels trying to find something to watch, we will hotspot our phones to our TV to watch something on YouTube.
A few weeks ago we came across an old movie called “Pilgrim’s Progress” – based on the book written in 1678, it tells of a journey of a young man named Christian who becomes burdened with the things he sees in the world, in the city he lives in called Destruction; and he embarks on a journey from this world to the world which is to come, the celestial city. He encounters all sorts of roadblocks, distractions and fearsome creatures along the way – and at the core is the message that justification comes only by the blood and righteousness of Jesus.
Written 347 years ago, and the movie was made in 1978, 47 years ago – and yet the story and the themes are still very relevant today.
Faith is very much a journey. It has its peaks and troughs, valleys and hilltop experience and takes time, builds character and our testimony and changes us forever. The author of Hebrews describes those who go through the journey as pilgrims, strangers living in a foreign country longing for greater things – who through faith, conquered kingdoms, administered justice and gained what was promised. Who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames and escaped the edge of the sword, whose weakness was turned into strength and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
Such faith, such courage, such strength and we, are ourselves on our journey of faith, commanded to “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”
Can I encourage you, as homework, read Hebrews 11 through to Chapter 12:5 – then read it again. Imagine the great cloud of witnesses, who are cheering you on. “You can do it – keep going – don’t give up – our God is faithful – He will never leave you nor forsake you – by faith…”. Just take note of how many times it says “by faith” in that chapter alone
– and know, yes, you might be on a journey – and it may be longer that you want, and more difficult than you imagined, and it might be overwhelming at times – but it is a journey of faith and God is with you and He is well pleased with you.
So how do we know it’s a journey? Because in Hebrews 11v1 the very first thing it says is “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”, or do not yet see.
If you do not yet see the thing you are hoping for – take note – its not yet. That’s the journey. To get from not yet seeing to seeing the promise fulfilled or entering heaven – and neither will disappoint you – I promise.
So what does the journey look like? I have summarised it into the 7 “p’s” of Faith – by no means all there is to faith – it is indeed multifaceted and individual, but hopefully by studying these 7 things together, you will be able to see where you are in your faith journey.
1. Provision of Faith: the Bible says in Romans 12:3 that God has given every believer “the measure of faith”. So before you will even need it, you have been given faith for the situation you are facing. The measure of faith that is developed and strengthened in you comes from one place – God.
Romans: 10:17 tells us that “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. There is no shortcuts to building your faith – you must get into God’s Word and you must get God’s Word into you. And I will often tell people, sometimes you need to hear God’s Word in your mouth, for your faith to rise – and you need to be doing it will before you get to the place where you need to use that faith – it is provided for you to strengthen you on the journey.
Before David could slay the giant, he had to face the lion and the bear. These animals were no small feat for a young boy – but by the time he reached Goliath he already knew who God was and who He was in God. That’s why he could declare, in front of the vast enemy and the whole of Israel – I come to you in the name of the Lord. That’s what the measure of faith is – note its not a measure of faith but the measure of faith – it is God’s measure, so it won’t run out.
2. Potential for Faith: somewhere, sometime in your Christian journey you will run into a problem, a situation or an opportunity where you will need supernatural help and wisdom that requires faith. It will be such a situation that you can’t do it in your own strength, you can’t figure it out by leaning on your own understanding and you can’t make it happen or pay for it to work out. You need God. Simple. And if you don’t have any areas in your life that need faith – you will.
I think one of the greatest revelations I had as a young Christian is that even though I was saved – and so grateful for all Jesus had done for me – problems still came.
And although we are not of this world, we are certainly in it – and it’s a world full of problems.
For the situations you face, the decisions you will need to make – you will need faith. And that’s a good thing. For faith pleases God – and it’s the only thing that really does.
Hebrews 11: says “And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe He exists and He rewards those who earnestly (or diligently) seek Him.”
So when you face a problem, or a situation that is bigger and harder than you – there is first an opportunity to come to God with your faith. It might not feel like good faith, or strong faith or enough faith – but come anyway. Bring your circumstances to God with a “BY FAITH” heart.
The best prayer you can pray is “I don’t know what to do God – but I know you.”
In that moment it might feel like nothing changes – but the truth is, everything does.
God is not moved by your tears, or your promises, your good works, or your eloquent words – He is moved by your faith – it pleases Him. But more importantly it invites Him into your situation – and believe me, you want God there.
3. Promise of Faith: for every problem or decision there is a promise from God in His Word.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been will be again; what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”
God knows beginning to end – He knows everything that has happened and will happen. And His Word is full of promises that will hold you in position on your journey of faith.
At this point of the journey, you need to ask God for a specific promise. A personal promise from His Word to you. Spend time in His Word – even if everything else is falling down around you – and ask God to reveal His promise to you.
Wayne and I went out to Wandalgu 2 ½ years ago in obedience to God. We sold our house and went out. We didn’t know how God was going to use us, or what it would look like, but by faith we went. That first week was a long one. And the promise we were given, and we continue to hold on to was from
Isaiah 62:10-12 “Pass through, pass through the gates, and go through the gates, and go from old to new. Prepare a new path for the people. Build! Build up a highway for them to come to me! Remove every hindrance and unfurl a banner for the nations! See? YAHWEH has proclaimed to the ends of the earth: Tell my daughter, Zion, “Look, here comes your Deliver! See? He’s bringing his reward, and his recompense goes before him.” They will be called HIS Holy people, the
Redeemed of YAHWEH. And you will be known as Those Whom God Loves; A City No Longer Deserted.”
Ps. Terry gave us this Scripture and even though there have been many big weeks, a lot of work and a lot of questions – we are still standing on that promise. That this year, the renovations of the buildings will be completed, and we will be released to start the renovations on the hearts and lives of those God brings out to us.
The promise of faith holds you – and even when the circumstances don’t look like what you are hoping for – the promise reminds you “not yet” – and somehow faith rises, it rallies, it strengthens every time you read your promise out loud – every time you remind yourself that as it says in Hebrews 11:1 “She considered Him faithful who had made the promise.”
4. Proclamation of Faith: - your words are powerful and creative – just as God’s Words are.
Hebrews 11:3 “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”
Just as God framed the world by His words – so you too can frame your world by your words.
If you speak the problem, you will only see the problem framing your world – but- and you need to grab this – if you will dare to speak the promise – and the Word over your world – God moves. Words of faith, not fear, produce life.
Matthew 9 tells the story of Jesus healing Jarius’ daughter – a well-known story; Jairus comes to Jesus and asks him to come, heal his daughter who was very sick; in some versions it reads, even now dead. We know the events that unfold – on the way Jesus heals the woman with the issue of blood – gets to Jairus’ house and sees the crowd of mourners he speaks to them – get out, this girl is not dead, but asleep. He then put the crowd outside, went in and took the girl by the hand and she got up.
Sometimes, we need to put the crowd out. Surround yourself only with those who are willing to speak life over your situation. Put the nay-sayers, the fear mongers, the faith killers out of the room and proclaim God’s Word over your situation. If you know someone on a faith journey – can I ask you please – get faithed up before you visit them – if you are going to speak to them, or about them, make sure you use God’s creative, life changing, world transforming words and not your own opinions or agendas. And if you need to – love them enough to say nothing at times – or perhaps don’t be surprised if they put you out of the room.
The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11, 16-19, 23-24 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Rejoice always, pray
continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”
5. Position of Faith: You have the measure of faith, you have the potential for faith, the promise of faith and the proclamation of faith – now you need to take up the position of faith.
You need to stand – and as it says in Ephesians – when you have done all that you can, stand. And if it is a long journey, gather others, who like Aaron & Hur did for Moses – will hold up your hands whilst the battle rages.
The proving or testing of your faith will follow. It often seems like things will get worse before they get better. You will get tired, overwhelmed, disappointed and distracted – 1 Corinthians 16:13 – “Be on guard, stand firm in the faith” – to stand firm means to be steady and sure – it takes work, it takes courage.
Each year, at the beginning of the year, Wayne and I seek God for a Word for the year. This year, the Word God gave me was “Fortitude”. I am good with words, so I kind of new it meant to have stickability. But the actual definition is “strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear adversity or pain with courage.” Now on the one hand, it’s not great to think I am going to encounter danger, pain or adversity – but on the other I am so glad that I know its not my strength of mind I need.
I simply do not have enough – I need the mind of Christ – it is God’s strength that perfects my weaknesses.
Lean on Him. Tell Him when it gets too much – He’s not afraid of your honesty. He is not going to get angry if you are afraid. But He wants you to come to Him, boldly, often. It’s a position you need to take up.
In this position, at times, you will need to stand; or take a step of faith – or sometimes, simply enter into the rest of faith. Be led by the Spirit – but there are times when it is important for you to simply remember that God is God, and He knows beginning to end – and if you are tired, it is easy to feel overwhelmed, or even give us hope – it’s not happening, maybe it won’t happen. But be assured, at these times, resting in the truth of who God is – knowing sometimes that there is nothing you can do but simply believe, and being led by the Holy Spirit who will guide you through your faith journey is enough.
6. Perfection of Faith: Oh what a day! What a glorious day – when Jesus Christ, the author and perfector of your faith makes your faith perfect.
When that which you hoped for comes to pass, when the evidence can be touched, felt, seen – when the promise is fulfilled, and the miracle is received – enter into the praise of faith. Rejoice in God’s goodness.
But hang on a moment? What about Hebrews 11:13 “All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised, they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance.”?
It would be remiss to minister on faith and not encourage you that God’s ways are perfect, even if we don’t see what we were believing for. There are so many reasons things don’t always work out the way we hoped for, and we might truly not understand them this side of heaven.
But God. But God is still faithful. But God never lets you down or disappoints you. I’d rather believe for big things in my life by faith and not understand why some things didn’t work out the way I wanted them to than live a life with no active faith.
I can’t tell you why. I don’t have all the answers – I’ve buried both my parents in the last 3 years through cancer – but I have seen miracles. I have seen faith work in many areas of my life and in the life of others. I know faith works, and I know God is faithful.
Can I encourage you, if you have been disappointed by what you haven’t seen, or what you yet haven’t seen – come back to God. Give Him all you hurt, pain, discouragement and disappointment and let faith arise in you once again. Determine in your heart today – I will live by faith, in the one who saved my life, rescued me from the pit of hell and is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I could hope, ask or imagine – in Jesus name! Amen.
9. Power of Faith: The power of faith lies in our testimony of who God is and what He can do. When we receive the promise of God – we must share it with others to build up their faith.
There are many testimonies in this room of faith realised, faith still at work and faith that hasn’t been seen this side of heaven.
One thing remains – God is good, He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him and He knows beginning to end.
We stand by faith and declare Him to be Lord in our lives – we live by faith everyday – the good days and the harder ones and we testify by faith that our God is faithful.
That’s the power of faith in a living, relevant and awesome God – and today I declare – let faith arise. When Jesus returns to this earth, let Him find faith in Geraldton – let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25
The day is approaching – Jesus will return. He is coming for a bride who lives and dwells with one another in unity. Who encourages one another and spurs one another on towards love and good deeds.
Are you on a faith journey? I hope you are – and if you are, I hope you have your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfector of your faith.
If you are here today and you are on a big journey – I mean, impossibly big – big enough that if God doesn’t step in and intervene, you don’t know how you are going to get through it – would you quickly stand to your feet?
Let us gather around our brothers and sisters – those who are going through testing times – who are standing in faith, but need some help holding their arms up. Let us pray for one another, right here, right now. Boldly pray – in faith pray – with expectation, and the knowledge that we serve an amazing God.
And if you are praying for someone near you today – even if you don’t know them that well, can you keep praying for them this month? This is a month where we are focusing on faith – let’s unite our faith with our needs, and have an expectation to hear testimonies of miracles.